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If you did not think you had enough to do, then I suggest you listen to two podcasts on Closer to Truth. They deal with God and His existence.

First, "Why is There Anything at All?" From Jun 19th of this year which seems to be an audio of a YouTube video from 4 years ago. Robert Lawrence Kuhn who established and runs the site seems very amenable to their being a God. But he gives talking points for 4 other possible solutions to existence. They sound weak to me.

Your story metaphor seems to describe some of his possible solutions.


Second, "What is God?" This is his latest podcast and I listened to it. He has people with 4 very odd versions of God and then one which is consistent with traditional theism.


He says he does not like the causa sui rationale for God but discusses it.

Kuhn's site is massive and he has produced several hundred videos that cover physics, life, consciousness and meaning.

These podcasts are each 27 minutes long.

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