Retorsion is a philosophical technique used to remind us of the fact that reason (intellect) is always poised toward truth: that it is impossible to think otherwise and that any act – even the act of remaining silent (which is a reaction to understanding terms
“Retorsion techniques refute skepticism and relativism by showing they cannot be coherently stated without taking on assumptions which disprove the position they’re advocating.” I am afraid that these refutation and showing themselves are taking on the assumptions that skepticism and relativism are false, e.g., that things can be coherently stated. You could not prove anything otherwise.
“Retorsion techniques refute skepticism and relativism by showing they cannot be coherently stated without taking on assumptions which disprove the position they’re advocating.” I am afraid that these refutation and showing themselves are taking on the assumptions that skepticism and relativism are false, e.g., that things can be coherently stated. You could not prove anything otherwise.