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Explained much easier by "A" and not "A."

"A" is "existence is eternal" and not "A" is "existence had a beginning" or time had a beginning. By showing "A" is nonsense, that is turtles all the way down, we have to deal with not "A" and its consequences. We are then led to one specific turtle that is different than any other turtle since encountered. People deny this turtle because it is a different type of turtle never seen before even though it is logical.

This turtle is not a God initially, but a cause or creator. But after examining what this turtle/entity or cause must be, a God emerges instead of a turtle. Further examination of this God, no longer a turtle, will eventually lead to the most likely explanation, the Judeo-Christian God.

Proof for this creator will never be QED or slam dunk because that has implications too. For faith to have meaning, there must be doubt. Faith does not mean no evidence or logic just that there must be room for some doubt or else our existence would be senseless.

Why senseless? If there was too little doubt, this entity for which we have evidence and logic would disappear because this very powerful entity would have created an incoherent existence and maybe be just an unusual turtle. It would be a conundrum.

Aside: all brute facts are eliminated by the "A" and not "A" analysis except for the one brute fact of a very unusual turtle.

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