A Few Announcements
First, it would be irresponsible of me not to mention that my latest book, Strong ON!—on fitness, not philosophy—has been released. I promised my publisher I’d share it with my philosophy audience, so here I am, fulfilling that promise. But in all seriousness, if you’re looking for a practical, no-nonsense guide to getting in shape (with kettlebells), I think you’ll enjoy it.
In fact, some of you might enjoy my recent appearance on The Art of Manliness. While the discuss was mostly fitness-related, Aristotle and Aquinas both got a brief but solid mention.
Second—and this is more of an announcement about an upcoming announcement—The Journal of Absolute Truth will soon be featuring contributions from other philosophers. Don’t worry, you won’t hear any less from me. But I’ve been considering, for some time, the idea of turning this into more of a general hub—still centered, of course, on demonstrating the reasonableness of religious belief. By that, I mean exploring questions about the existence of God, the nature of the human person, the good life, the role of religious authority, and so on.
More on this soon, including instructions on how to make a submission yourself—and why you might want to.
Finally, a petition. As I’ve shared with my readers before, philosophy is not what pays my bills—nor do I ever expect it to. At most, I hope for the day when it’s no longer an enormous financial drain. So, if you enjoy the content I produce here or on my podcast, I kindly ask you to consider becoming a paid subscriber.