Updates : )
If it feels like the blog has been a little quiet as of late, that’s because it has been. Truth is, edits on my forthcoming book with Sophia have been brutal. The difficulty, as you might expect, is trying to maintain sufficient rigor without making the entire thing unreadable for most audiences. My editor (who is great) wants more accessibility; I want more rigor. So, back and forth we go.
Anyway, my hope is to have the final version shipped this month. But the work doesn’t end there. In a bout of insanity, I signed another book contract, this one fitness related. Honestly, I could have sworn I was done writing fitness books, but something happened. So, here we are.
Nevertheless, it’ll be nice to write something less philosophical, at least so far as book projects are concerned. Doing so should give me the headspace to produce more content here. Yippee.
So, that’s what’s up. I haven’t gone anywhere. I’ve just had to shift to maintenance mode concerning the blog and social media while I finish The Best Argument for God. The podcast, however, has been going great, featuring recent interviews with Joshua Rasmussen and Jonathan Fuqua, with more to come.
Oh. One other thing thing that’s been sucking my time, which I feel I should mention, is music. I’m lead guitarist in a Milwaukee area cover band, which means I’ve had a lot of musical homework to complete as we prepare for the upcoming gig season; for Wisconsinites, that’s Summer. We play everything from Van Halen to Extreme: Almost none of our material has been easy to learn — not for a slow learner like me, anyway.
Fortunately, I may have found a way to repurpose some of what I’ve been practicing for P4TP…