Join Pat as he discusses how to get started with philosophy and offers reading recommendations for logic, metaphysics, ethics, epistemology, and more.
Recommended books/reading include:
How to Read a Book (Mortimer Adler)
The Republic (Plato)
Nichomachean Ethics (Aristotle)
Letters of Seneca (Seneca)
The One and the Many (Norris Clarke)
Explorations in Metaphysics (Norris Clarke)
The Philosophical Approach to God (Norris Clarke)
Right and Reason (Austin Fagothey)
The Philosophy of Knowledge (Kenneth Gallagher)
Knowledge and Christian Belief (Alvin Plantinga)
De Ente et Essentia (Thomas Aquinas)
Socratic Logic (Peter Kreeft)
Symbolic Logic (Suzanne Sanger)
10 Philosophical Mistakes (Mortimer Adler)
Aristotle for Everybody (Mortimer Adler)
Existence and The Existent (Jacques Maritain)
God and The Permission of Evil (Jacques Maritain)
Aquinas’s Way to God (Gaven Kerr)
Consolation of Philosophy (Boethius)
Confessions (Augustine)