The Case for Intellectual Populism, Yet Another Eruption Cover, The Morality of White Lies, and More
Links to stuff and more stuff (and another cover of Eruption).
OK, first up: Jim and I offer what we feel is an important take away from the recent Feser-Lofton tiff (we don’t wade into their theological debate; instead, we make the case for “intellectual populism”).
In other news, certain projects have finally come to completion. My book, The Best Argument for God, is officially finished (on my end). All that remains is copyediting, which means everything is on schedule for the October release. Let me mention that I’ll have special content available for anybody who pre-orders.
Below is my finished cover of Van Halen’s Eruption. On drums is Eric Kummer. This was a pesky project, to say the least. There is something about emulating Eddie that is darn near impossible for me. I think it’s his radical gear shifting — high-tension bending followed immediately by wide stretching legato, sort of stuff — and somehow he has this crazy swing to all of it. Anyway, this is probably as close to the original as I’m going to get, and I’m quite happy with how it turned out. So, please enjoy.
Mike Kurkowski recently brought me onto his Strength Connection podcast. We talked mostly fitness, but we did get into philosophy just a little. I love when worlds collide. Below is a clip on philosophy of religion; the full interview is here.
Dr. Brian Besong has penned an article for The New Oxford on whether white lies are ever permissible. Philosophy for the People is mentioned.