I have an announcement.
The Journal of Absolute Truth—you know it, you love it, you can’t stop talking about it!—is now accepting articles from other philosophers. We’re looking for submissions on topics in philosophy of religion (e.g., the existence of God, the nature of the human person, etc.) and, to a lesser extent, general religious and political debates (e.g., life issues, matters of religious authority, etc.).
Specifically, we are seeking articles that align with the wider mission of The Journal of Absolute Truth: to support the reasonableness of religious Catholic-Christian belief.
(This doesn’t mean you have to be Catholic, or even Christian, or even a theist to contribute. However, your contributions must fit within this general theme—see details below).
Why submit to The Journal of Absolute Truth?
Will it advance your prospects in academia?
Will you win accolades and endless praise from your academic peers?
Almost certainly not!
But here’s what it will do:
Get you PAID.
That’s right. And not just pennies—a fair amount for the work you produce: $50–$150 for standard articles, depending on content and length, and $150–$300 for feature-length or highly technical pieces.
Why else?
Well, our reach is expanding, and over time, I expect it to become fairly significant. There’s real opportunity here. Plus, if you’re a Substacker, blogger, or online content creator, your contributions will link back to your own pages, potentially increasing your audience. That has to count for something!
Here’s what we’re currently looking for:
Articles about 1–2k words in length (though shorter submissions may be considered and feature-length articles up to 3k–4k are welcome).
Well-researched, well-edited content.
Content must be ORIGINAL. You can build on or refine material you’ve worked on elsewhere, but the article itself must be unique.
Generally, the articles should be "middle-brow—rigorous yet accessible. They shouldn’t condescend to readers or engage in excessive hand-holding, but they should provide enough guidance for the interested reader to engage profitably. (Mortimer Adler’s work is a prime example of this style, and he was my model when writing The Best Argument for God.)
Here are the requirements:
Contributors should hold some degree in philosophy (preferably a master’s or PhD) or have professionally published work in philosophy, either in peer-reviewed literature or a scholarly book.
(Note: This is more of an initial filter rather than a strict bar to entry. Work from philosophy students will certainly be considered as well).Content must fit the overall theme of this journal (see Mission Statement). Some may call us biased, but I much prefer the term “honest and forthright”—this platform is theistic and Catholic.
While submissions from non-theists or non-Catholics won’t automatically be rejected, let’s be honest: think carefully about the purpose, mission, and audience of this platform before submitting. (For example, I’m not interested in publishing pro-cannibalism pieces, no matter how philosophically “interesting” or “well-researched” they may be. Sorry! That said, if you’re an atheist with a compelling philosophical argument against physicalism… then let’s hear it.)
And here are the terms:
Plagiarism Policy
Zero tolerance. All submissions will be checked for originality.Payment Details
Compensation will be delivered upon acceptance (not publication—so no waiting to get paid). Decisions on acceptance will be made within 4–6 weeks.Rights and Usage
Upon acceptance, The Journal of Absolute Truth retains exclusive publishing rights to your article. This means your content cannot be republished elsewhere, in print or online, without explicit permission from The Journal.
However, as the author, you retain the right to:
Share the article privately (e.g., with colleagues, students, etc., marked as “Courtesy of The Journal of Absolute Truth”).
Use it in future works, such as books or collections, provided you give proper credit to The Journal as the original publisher.
How to Submit
Email your article as an attachment to JournalOfAbsoluteTruth@gmail.com with the subject line: "Article Submission."
Include a short bio (1–2 sentences) and a 1–3 sentence abstract summarizing your article.
Finally, why I’m doing this.
I began The Journal of Absolute Truth as a place to sketch ideas. As of just recently, we crossed the 1,000-subscriber mark—not huge, but the growth curve is looking good, and I expect The Journal to continue growing at an increasing rate.
For this reason, I’ve decided it’s a worthwhile venture to invest more into it. Not only will I continue my contributions (don’t worry, you won’t be hearing any less from me), but I’ve decided to bring on other contributors who I believe will make this publication even more valuable, worth subscribing to, and worth sharing.
The general content policy will stay the same:
Most articles—from me and others—will be free.
Some—from me and others—will be exclusive to paid subscribers.
Rather than lock up most content to get financial support, my hope is that you’ll see the value (and the work) that goes into producing content we believe encourages people in their faith (by showing solid, reasonable grounds for it) and equips them—mostly philosophically—to engage in charitable and effective conversations with those who disagree.
If you agree with this mission, please consider becoming a paid supporter—not just for the exclusive content (though that’s definitely part of it)—but because you believe in what we’re doing and want to help us grow.
Thank you, and Happy New Year,
- Pat
P.S. Please pass this announcement along to anyone you think might be interested!
This sounds awesome, excited to see it grow!