I’ve been actively typing away at some academic articles, hence the relative silence here on the blog. I’m excited to share the content of these articles — one is on composition and causation, another on the principle of sufficient reason and the intelligibility of the universe — once they’re finished and (hopefully!) accepted.
In the meantime, we’ve had several just-stellar conversations on the Philosophy for the People channel these past couple weeks. This morning I hosted Dr. Kenny Pearce to discuss his debate book with Graham Oppy. We cover his (quite novel) argument from contingency and argument from religious experience.
Last Friday I had fun with Jim refuting the simulation hypothesis.
Before that, a discussion with. Dr. Tyler McNabb on classical theism and cognitive science of religion.
And before that, 5 Philosophy Books You Should Read This Year.
OK, hopefully that should get you caught up, if you’re interested in these topics. Expect fresh new content on the blog soon.
- Pat
I know that the topic is not related to this post, but, have you talked about the moral argument? Specifically, Craig's version of the argument. I would like to know more about it!