Anne Lamott amazingly, without any indication of irony, commends Mother Teresa — a Catholic Saint and lifelong opponent of abortion — in her recent long, boring whine on social media against abortion restrictions in Texas. As one has come to expect from Lamott, is is produced in her characteristically (read: nauseatingly) affected prose.
She writes, “I would tell them that in dark times, one must always turn to the saints—Mother Teresa, Gandhi and Molly Ivins. Oh, and of course, also to the reckless love of Jesus, but let’s leave that for another day.
A usual class might be a 7-year-old, an 11-year old, and a teenager, plus possibly a random baby whom we’ve taken off its mother’s hands so she can worship in peace with the grownups. So a mixed grille of ages but the 7-year-old would easily understand Mother Teresa’s words, that no one can do great things, but *everyone* can do small things with great love.
Well, almost everyone. I am not going to name names at this time.
We would talk about small things we could each do today with great love—smiling at street people, getting people water or crayons, picking up litter. (Me? I’ll also send money to the Resistance in Texas.)”
One cannot help but laugh at their calling themselves The Resistance. Chances are, when people are banking on (literally) Satanism to continue the slaughter of children, they’re playing for the wrong side.
Not all Resistance Fighters are the good guys, you know.
- Pat
PS - Of course, Lamott doesn’t offer arguments for abortion. Why would she? She’s a radicalized bozo-idiot like the most of them, relying on lies (the fetus is not a human), sloganeering (no ovaries no opinion), and emotional appeal (stop trying to control women), etc.
Because there is nothing of substance to respond to with Lamott, one must remain content to pick out the countless inconsistencies, ironies, and hypocrisies, and hope — pray — that people who slurp in the bilge-water that is her implicitly Unitarian “Christian” writing begin to question the competency of her cobwebbed brain on matters of faith and morals.
PPS - Something else for her Sunday School students to consider:
“But I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because Jesus said, ‘If you receive a little child, you receive me,’” said Mother Teresa. “So every abortion is the denial of receiving Jesus, is the neglect of receiving Jesus. It is really a war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child, murder by the mother herself.”
"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness..." (Isa. 5:20.) Pretending to be on the side of the oppressed when championing the killing of the innocent is a special kind of hypocrisy and delusion.